Saturday, September 24, 2011


Unknown (adj.): Not understood, recognized, or identified; strange.

I love (What’s not to love about an electronic dictionary that saves you time and at least six inches on your bookshelf?  Not to mention the extra 20 pounds you’re saving yourself from carrying).  But it’s true.  I love  It helps draw me closer to the meaning and understanding of text within books.  I love books, too, and trying to make sense of their contents, especially when they involve people in situations similar to my own. Anyway, I digress.
I can read and understand books, but I cannot say the same thing about my life.  I don’t think anyone can.  Not completely, anyway. We’re constantly striving for the meaning or purpose of why we were placed here.  Some days that understanding is clear to us, but most days we wander searching for the unknown.  “What makes me happy?  Where is my career taking me, and is it benefitting others?  Whom should I spend the rest of my life with while trying to figure all this out?” So many questions…and will we ever answer them with 100% certainty?  Maybe. Some of the answers to our questions will eventually become apparent and others may never be revealed to us, but it is during these times of questioning that we grow and find out who we really are.  Sometimes, if we’re lucky, one unanswered question may even help us discover the answer to an entirely different question.
 I just hate that life works that way sometimes.
We don’t always understand or recognize why things happen the way they do.  Maybe they happen for a reason, maybe they don’t.  Maybe we’re all on a journey with an unknown destination, never knowing if we have reached our desired location or not.  

But maybe that’s what makes life so beautiful.

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