Monday, January 14, 2013

Words for the Wise

-- Don’t lay unfortunate, life altering news on someone at 5 AM in the morning.  They’re likely, due to lack of sleep, to lash out in anger.  They’ll want to hit something, so protect your face.

-- Things are never as great as they first appear.  It’s either better than you imagined, or much much worse.

-- Shut your mouth while at work.  I don’t care if you despise your coworkers because they were honest and told you your ideas weren’t logical.  Speak your mind, and approach all issues with sincerity.  Then, stop pissing and moaning about what happens afterwards.  You did your best and gave it your all.  Now it’s time to move on, and with a positive attitude. 

-- Be considerate of other peoples’ pocketbooks.  Don’t pressure them into doing something and then think poorly of them if they can’t participate because of money.  They are conscientious of their spending and are probably debt free, or desperately want to be in the near future.  Enjoy doing things that don’t cost a lot of money.  You might even pick up a few pointers in the finance department.    

-- If people        a) look at their watch,

b) yawn,

c) look aimlessly around you, or

d) b. and c. simultaneously

                while you are talking to them, sorry, but they are not interested in what you are saying. Stop talking.  Ask them a question about themselves.  Engagement, and their impression of you, will likely improve if you focus your concentration on them.   

-- Know when to let go.

-- Stop procrastinating.  And stop using the “I work better under pressure” excuse for it.  The only reason you use that excuse is because you HAVE to….you have waited too long, and there are no more excuses left.  Man up, set a schedule, and get your stuff done.   

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Things You Don't Miss Until They're Gone

The availability of authentic ethnic food

Dark chocolate covered anything

3 hour coffee dates

Sleeping under a down comforter

A loved one’s laugh

Long chats with childhood friends

Your favorite lounge pants

Cell phone/ technology free atmospheres

Singing favorite songs while on family road trips

Shopping with mom

Waking up to the whisper of a child instead of an alarm

Hugs from cherished ones (I’m talking about the real hugs.  Not those fake, half-assed, I’m barely going to touch you ones)

Second chances

Thank you to all my family and friends that made this 2012 holiday season one of the greatest I’ve ever had.   I love you all, and you have each held a special place in my life.  I am who I am because of you.