Someone told me once that they felt better about themself when they received texts. Ok, I can sort of see where they are coming from. Who doesn’t like to get the occasional, “Hey, how r u?” texts? But the idea that popularity is measured based on the number of those little messages you receive in a day is a little outrageous to me.
Popularity used to be a concept that was only mentioned in conversations regarding high school and cheer leader moms. Now people come to me and comment about how many texts they’ve received in the past hour. That they had this incredible conversation with so and so while at “work”. As if they’re going to lure me into thinking that random people sending them grammatically incorrect sentences via phone makes them popular. Sorry, I’m not buying into your idea that you are well-liked when those individuals would rather text you than suffer through something as simple as being in your presence or, better yet, calling you.
Those little texts may make a person feel better for a quick moment, but talking with people and interacting with others sans technology provides more comfort than a phone ever could.