Sunday, January 8, 2012

Boys vs. Men

I can’t speak for every woman out there, but I’d bet that about 99.9% of us wish to be pursued by a man.  Not a boy.  A man.  Yes, there are a handful of us that like to fool around with the bad boys, but that phase usually lasts only a few years during our 20’s.  We then start to realize that spiked hair, baggy jeans, and foul mouths won’t be able to comfort or console us during the hard times.  These features are not exactly what we consider to be father/role model material either.

So, I’ve conducted a list.  A list for women that will allow them to identify the characteristics of what the majority of great men should embody, and for men an easy list to refer to when wondering what women are looking for.  If I miss something, please feel free to add more to the comments section below.   

Wear t-shirts and baggy, ripped jeans that hang below their asses.
Look put together.  They adorn nice shirts tucked into non-holey pants and wear a belt.
Slouch and avoid eye contact.
Walk with confidence.  They look and smile at people.
Say “fucking” before every noun.
Curse only when they are extremely angry or jam their finger while working in the garage.
Completely ignore others in the room while watching TV.
Acknowledge those around them when watching shows or playing video games.
Say “MmmHmm” or mumble, in addition to looking glazed over, when someone talks with them.
Actively listen and respond in conversations.
Burp loudly, on purpose.  Then smiles about it.
Burp, but then say “excuse me”.
Ask women to sleep with them after knowing them for less than a week.
Are willing to wait until the woman is ready and comfortable.
Talk only about themselves.
Ask questions and are genuinely interested in their date’s life.
Spend time with their partner only when it is convenient for them.
Make time to be with their partner.
Drink excessive amounts of alcohol to forget about life.
Deals with their life situations head on, and drinks moderately.
Say "thank you" once a year, and speaks his mind only if it involves video games, football, or beer.
Says "thank you" often, and tells his girlfriend/wife how much she means to him.

If you “psshh”ed or laughed after reading every boy comment, you’re still a boy.  I don’t care how old you are.  You are not a man.  And women, don’t settle for a guy that will treat you with little or no respect.  You deserve much more than that.

1 comment:

  1. Favorite Post ever! I laughed out loud at some things like "burp loudly on purpose and smiles about it" I know way to many "boys" like this! ick!
