I think it’s amusing when people talk about normalcy. If asked, most people would say that, yes, they are “normal”.
I’d like to know what they mean by that.
Because YOU think you’re normal. I think I’M normal. Everyone out there thinks they are normal in the ways that they live.
You hear your roommate say, “I eat my cottage cheese with ketchup. That’s totally normal. People do it all the time”. Yet you’re thinking, “Uh, no. That is not normal”. And then six seconds later you see them folding their clothes this way and that, wondering who, if anyone, taught them how to fold clothes ‘the right way’.
That same roomate may think that your “normal” fetish with Justin Beiber is absolutely disturbing.
People are so incredibly different (which is great and makes life interesting), but everyone thinks that every other person, other than themself, is NOT normal.
So who’s actually normal? Either we’re ALL normal, or we’re all completely and utterly insane.
I’m going with utterly insane.