Monday, April 30, 2012

3 Weeks Out!

My thoughts and feelings regarding the figure competition change with every passing hour (and while this could be due to lack of carbs, I’m not using that as the sole reason).  At 7:30 this morning two ran through my head.  The first and most exciting being “The competition is less than 3 weeks away!”  The terrifyingly second, “The competition is less than 3 weeks away”.  Gulp.

I’m excited because I will be able to get back into a more sane diet and exercise schedule.  I love the results I am seeing and the progress I’ve made, but 6 days of intense lifting and cardio on very few carbs is not something I would advise doing for longer than 2 months. 

The overall figure competition preparation can be broken into 3 different phases.  Phase 1 consists of incorporating lifting into your exercise routine 4 days a week while increasing your protein intake.  Phase 2 kicks things up a notch to 6 days of lifting with increased protein and reduced carb intake.  And phase 3, the one I am currently in, involves 6 days of lifting with 4-5 days of high intensity interval training, along with consuming protein, few carbs, no added sweeteners, and gallons of water a day.  I am 2ish weeks in and have 2 ½ to go. 

I hope you can see how excited I am to conquer this challenge and get it over with!  The final week will bring additional struggles, but I think I will learn a lot about myself in the last stretch of the process. 

A few things I’ve come to learn over the past 3 weeks:

Figure competitions are not for the faint of heart. 

I didn’t realize how much I love cereal, and how much I hate not being able to eat it.

The amount of carbs you eat can really make or break a workout.

I can lift heavy weights for longer than I thought I could.

High intensity interval training is the best bang for your buck in terms of cardio.

                One can do just about anything if internal motivation is present. 

If I am still able to function, I will post more as the final week approaches :-)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Busy Days

Jam-packed days can be hectic and stressful, especially when those chaotic days revolve around nothing but work.   But sometimes, when you get to choose and organize your daily schedule, they can be quite the opposite. 

Attending church, meeting old friends for coffee, getting in a good sweat session, and working the remainder of the day sounds like enough to make me want to jump face first onto my bed and take a nap.  Surprisingly, the craziness of it all gave me more energy than when I woke up this morning.

Sometimes I love the idea of free weekends, simply because it means that I’ll be able to sit on my butt and do a lot of nothing all day.  Don’t get me wrong, we need those days to recoup and maintain our sanity.  I am thankful for the days of Friends reruns and 11 am breakfasts.  Those weekends also make me thankful for the busy weekends.  It means I am blessed with work and an income, health, and wonderful family and friends.   

Today made me think twice about how much I complain about my hectic schedule.  Knowing how fortunate I am made the day fly by twice as fast as well.  

If ever you are having a bad day, try thinking about the many blessings that you do have.  It just might turn your day around. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Clean Eating

Remember the days when your dinners and snacks consisted of Ramen, Skittles, and mocha frappuccinos.   Still living those days?  Convenience may prevail in these instances, but your energy and health fall short.  So short, it makes me scared for you. 

Now I know how hard it is for you to read this.  You’re thinking to yourself, “Oh great.  Yet another article telling me that my health is in jeopardy because of what I eat.  This new food that I thought was healthy for me is now killing me slowly during my sleep, according to ANOTHER random ‘study’”.   I know, because I’ve thought the same thing. 

I gave up following all of those articles and studies about “super foods”.  Because honestly, the list is about 400 foods long.  The “Top 7 Super Foods” are different in every single article you read! 

I did take something from those articles, however.  They all have one thing in common.  The lists contain what I, and the famous Oxygen magazine, like to call “clean foods”.  Clean eating consists of taking in natural foods and abstaining from added sugars and processed foods as much as possible.  Chicken, lean meats, low-fat dairy, fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats (avocados, olive oil, nuts) are what you’d be eating if you adopted this eating lifestyle.  I say lifestyle because this is not a diet.  Diets don’t work.  Choosing to eat this way should be considered a lifestyle change.  Not necessarily to lose weight, but to attain better health.

I don’t want to scare you away by saying that you can’t have ice cream or Buffalo Wild Wings ever again.  Because you can.  Eating clean is a way of life that can be implemented 80% of the time, and I can guarantee that you will notice a difference in your physical and mental stamina.

I have recently adopted this way of eating, as the figure competition has me on a strict eating schedule.  But I have to say, I am glad that I took on the competition challenge because it has given me new insight into the “clean eating” lifestyle.  I like it a lot, and I don’t crave sweets as much as I used to. 

Ridding your diet of processed foods and excess sugar may sound like a daunting and unpleasant task, but believe me, your mind and body will thank you.   And if I, the previous ice cream/ Sunchips craver, can do it, I know anyone can. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012


I received a phone call today from a great friend of mine.  I hadn’t talked to her in over 6 months, but we chatted as if we had seen each other just yesterday.  This conversation, simple as it may have been, made my day.  Week even.  More importantly, it made me think about the relationships that I have with people.

After hanging up with this friend, I got to thinking about the importance of true friendship.   I’m not talking about the friends that you hang out with, yet are constantly questioning whether or not they are mad at you because of something you did or didn’t say.  Or the friends that you love partying with, but have the hardest time discussing with them any personal problem or struggle.   I’m talking about the people that you can confide in and trust 100%, no matter how long you have been out of touch or what mistakes you may have made. 

These friends are hard to come by.  And the secret to finding one: You have to become one yourself.  We need true friends like this in our life, even if it is only 2 or 3.  For if we don’t, the foundation of our humanness- the ability to empathize, connect, and love- become desensitized.  If you constantly surround yourself with friends that use you, mock you, or just hang out with you because it is convenient for them, you start thinking that these are the only types of friends you will ever have.  That those friends are all you are worth.

Do not fall for it.  Seek out friends who follow their own path.  Those who are honest, admit to their mistakes, and who are not afraid to show their vulnerability.  These are the friends that are real.  They understand the deeper, more meaningful aspects of life.  When you do find one of those friends, don’t let them go.  Put in that extra effort to maintain contact, and let them know how important they are to you.  You have no idea how much it might mean to them.  I know it meant a lot to me today.   

So I just want to say to that very special friend of mine- I love you for all that you are.  I am so glad you are in my life, and I am so blessed to have met you.  I am a better person because of you.  J

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Four weeks ago my roommate and I decided to take on a new challenge.  Actually, it seemed like 2 or 3 different challenges all rolled into one big, overwhelming undertaking.  An undertaking that not even I thought was accomplishable.  Figure competition. 

Now stop.  I know what you’re thinking, because I thought the exact same thing.  First, what the hell is that, and second, why are you even considering prancing around on a stage near-naked pretending to model?

A few months ago I would have rolled my eyes at the thought of it.  After some research on the subject, I began to realize all that is involved in the process of competing.  On the surface it appears that the contestants pose and model their physique on a stage, yet there is much more to it than that.  12-20 weeks of constant weight training, cardio, and clean eating is what the program is comprised of.  (In a nutshell, clean eating is consuming mainly vegetables, fruits, low fat dairy, and lean meat.  No processed or packaged food, and no added sugars).  But the bigger, deeper concepts encompass that of self-discipline, confidence, high self-esteem, and commitment.  You can’t do this for anyone else but yourself.  This I have come to realize.  You may not always be around people, and there are always ample opportunities to “sneak” sugary foods or skip a workout.  If you are not personally committed or internally motivated, then you will assuredly fall off the bandwagon.  

These are the reasons I am so enthralled with figure competition.  You control what happens.  What you eat, when and how you workout.  You ultimately control your health, your physique, and how you feel.  The competition itself may take a measly 30 minutes, but the preparation takes weeks and is ongoing 24/7 up until the moment you step on the stage. 

Some may view figure competition as I had in the past.  They may think the contestants vain, selfish, even foolish and insane.  But I challenge you to look at it in a different light and with a different mindset, because beneath all that muscle lies qualities that not everyone is able to acquire.

 This challenge is one of the toughest I have ever committed to.  But I am ready.  I am ready to challenge myself physically and mentally.  And why, might you ask?  Well, because I CAN, and I am capable. 

And so are you. 

(More to come on my progress, along with tips on clean eating and the struggles that come with it).