Exercise is amazing. I actually love that post I’m-so-exhausted-I-just-want-to-go-home-and-sit kind of feeling, and the rush I get from pushing myself cannot be described with words. Sure, it took me awhile to get to the “I love exercising” stage, but I’d never give it up and I’d never think of discontinuing my gym membership. However, today I almost wanted to switch over to another gym.
“WHOoooOooAaUUHH. huuUUUOOUAAAHHHHH” is something that I don’t want to hear coming from anyone’s mouth. I’m sorry, I know that benching 280 lbs is in your workout plan today, but let’s cut with the annoying whoouaah’s please. Also, let’s steer clear from these as well….
You sound like you’re trying to take an incredibly painful shit, and the people around you don’t want to hear it (or see your reddening face for that matter). Actually, now that I think of it, the sound that I heard today could be paralleled to that of a male giving birth. Either way you look at it, I think all the grunts and intense noises could be taken down on the heavy lifting scale. Say from a 10 down to a 6. I’m not saying that you can’t exhale or make obnoxious sounds, because it is true that some deep sounding exhales can help with lifting. I just think your gym-going experience would be much more enjoyable for you and those around you if you toned it down a bit. Just think. You won’t get the crazy-psycho-stares and others will refrain from the vision of you giving birth. It’s a Win-Win.
Hell yeah!