Thursday, December 15, 2011

Procrastination at its Finest

What has been going on with me lately?!  I don’t know about you, but over the past few weeks I’ve been finding anything and everything to do other than what needs to be done.  For those of you that know me, I typically get my to-do lists checked off weeks before any sort of anxiety should set in.  But seriously, I’ve been averting everything school or future related.  I’ve substituted studying and finishing applications with grabbing drinks with friends, stumbleuponing, crafting, drinking wine, taking random pictures of nothing in particular, looking up new recipes, participating in roommate Scrabble tournaments….while drinking more wine.  I guess I can now add blogging to this list as well.

I have no idea why I have resorted to acting this way.  People say it’s “Senioritis”, although I can’t really blame it on that. My schooling does not stop after I walk across that stage and receive my diploma, as I have internships and whatnot to get ready for.  I thoroughly understand that my days of burying my nose in books has not come to an end, so it can’t be Senioritis. But still, I have yet to find my motivation. It sometimes wanders off and goes missing for a day or two, but never for 2 months at a time. I wonder if it ran away for good and found a new owner that is more appreciative.         

I’m trying to be optimistic about this situation.  Is it that I am simply in need of a break?  Maybe a nice weekend getaway or vacation? I hope I’m not the only one constantly struggling with this, especially for such long stretches of time :/

Who knows.  Perhaps there is nothing I can do except wait for someone else’s lost motivation to come crashing into me, since mine has clearly headed south for the winter.

1 comment:

  1. Give yourself a moment to recognize a job well done!! Getting through college is a HUGE check on the "Life To-Do List." For the moment, other "stuff" is going to seem very small and insignificant in comparison. Your motivation will come back (trust does!). Just let yourself celebrate a little!
