Thursday, June 21, 2012

Office Space

I’m currently working a summer job that reminds me more and more of the movie “Office Space”.  Not in the sense that I’m so mad at my boss I could destroy the entire company, but in the sense that my job is so boring and monotonous that, from 8-4:30, I think about …

1)      Coffee, or any other source of caffeine that might keep me awake

2)      My low vitamin D status

3)      All the things I’d rather be doing with my time 

4)    If the stapler next to me is mine or my coworkers'

It’s been a slow process, but I’m learning the ropes.  In between the 6 digit entries and “ctrl C”ing, I’m gaining insight regarding office dynamics and personality.

For instance, if you don’t get along with someone in an office, you’re screwed.  You’re sharing an enclosed space with people for 8 hours a day.  You better learn to live with and tolerate your coworkers.  Learn to love their annoying laugh, their coffee breath, and their frantic pacing when things go wrong. 

I’ve been working in this particular office for about 4 weeks now, and there are some things that I still don’t understand.  If you want to complain to or tell someone about a problem you’re having, then just flat out tell them.  Talking to your computer using run-on, incoherent sentences and blurting out “Jiminy Cricket!” is not going to do you any good.  It’s clear that you are frustrated, but when you start verbally using Disney characters’ names in place of actually discussing the problem, we get nowhere.  Tell me what happened and what you need me to do!  You don’t hear me shouting “Mufasa!” or “Mrs. Potts!” whenever I get pissed at Excel. 

I guess what I’m getting at is this-  If you work in an office, or ever find yourself stuck in an elevator/enclosed space, be mindful of what you say and do.  Other people take notice, and your actions may cause them to consider relocating, or self-hypnosis.  Or both.   

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